The beginning

The story of the moment of a flame

It all started with a dream. The same dream I had for a month, making candles. I dreamed of candles of all shapes. At that time I was working in the finance field. I was looking for my way to be happy in my work. With a degree in law, human resources, and business management, it was a choice that made no sense for those around me. Quit my job to continue my candle business. I started my company part-time with my job in finance at the time. I even stopped because I found it hard to juggle two things. Both jobs asked a lot of me in their own way. I had chosen to prioritize my work in finance. But I realized that I was no longer happy. I had seen the impact on my mental and physical health. I then decided to prioritize myself and make the choice to revive my company and leave my full-time job. Living fully in the present moment and taking care of yourself are essential to my quality of life, because we only have one. Today the company sees itself reborn with a great mission. Each Malagasy candle name was chosen with my parents, hopefully inspiring what you are or would like to be.

Our mission

Take the time to take care of yourself

It’s a delusion to find time to take care of yourself. With work, home, responsibilities, it's still not easy to take time to take care of yourself. Sometimes do you feel the need to take a break? Do you think that if you take a break it will make you less effective at making your to-do list? Do you often say that I don't have time? Did you answer yes to all of these questions? The moment of a flame has the mission of encouraging you to give yourself time for yourself. We'll give you a free file that shows you a process to free up your time. Lighting our candles is part of this habit process. You will be convinced that you have made the right choice, prioritizing yourself, to be at the best in your responsibilities.